Tuesday, August 27, 2013


While I am a living testament of a person living with a mood disorder being capable of functioning (and contributing) in society, I feel so limited at times.

It seems harder for me to prioritize events, schedules and tasks. Given what kind of mood I'm in, everything seems either significant (and important) or completely uninteresting. Sometimes, it takes me so much longer to process and understand things. Then, there are those rare days where my mind is sharp and I understand everything.

I am struggling with my school work. Today, I've spent the better part of six hours studying something that I still don't understand. I have resisted the urge to punch a hole in the wall. So, far at least. But, it is days like today that makes me feel so stupid. Slow. I begin to question if what I am attempting is even possible.

How do you keep moving forward with a mind-set like that? You can't. So, I am going to take a break. Ignore all of the other homework I have at the moment. Relax. And, keep at it.

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